9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Live chat with 'A Better Life' director Chris Weitz and star Demian Bichir

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Director Chris Weitz calls “A Better Life” the “biggest movie” he’s ever made. Given the film’s budget (about $10 million) and its subject matter (the plight of a gardener in the United States illegally) it seems like an odd statement, even more so because Weitz has made the much splashier “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” “The Golden Compass” and “About a Boy.”

But Weitz believes the story of “A Better Life” -- which examines the often perilous personal challenges facing so many invisible people living in America -- is far more important than any subject he’s yet addressed as a filmmaker.

What made Weitz, whose grandmother was born in Mexico, want to make such a radical directing departure? How did he work with Los Angeles gang members to ensure that “A Better Life” was as accurate as possible? How does he hope the film might inform or change the immigration debate? Join Weitz and the film’s star, Demián Bichir in a live chat about “A Better Life”

Following is the transcript from the LA Times Live Chat with Chris Weitz and Demian Bichir .

Thursday July 7, 2011

Welcome everyone to our live chat with 'A Better Life' director Chris Weitz and star Demian Bichir. They will be joining us soon.

Comment From Candy Goosen

John Horn:
Hi Chris and Demian. Do you think the film has an identifiable point of view? Is that perspective political? Personal?

Comment From Weitz_Chris

Comment From Weitz_Chris
Hi John -- I think it takes a personal view, but can't avoid being political because of the issues at play in ours country

Btw I am in times square standing outside. Star us KS wifi down. Welcome to ny.

Comment From Felicia Sablan
Was there anything unusual that happened while filming ABL?

Comment From B 4nyea
What will I take away from the film?

Hi B 4nyea Well, our set was blessed, literally, by Fr. Gregory Boyle, who runs Homeboy Industries. So we we protected.

Comment From Anglo Admirer
Congrats Chris and Demian. I loved the film. And I was wondering if you could provide some insight into Summit's release strategy. How many theaters are they going to play in? Why isn't it playing in East LA? Thanks and keep up the great, interesting work!

Whoops that was for Felicia. B4nyea, I hope you will take away an emotional experience of the love of father for son and of people for thic country... And maybe a window into some lives that are only known as statistics.

Comment From Laurence Cruz
Congrats on making a film that's as good as the script (if the buzz is to be believed -- I haven't seen it yet). But I read the script over a year ago when it was still called "The Gardener" and I LOVED it. As an L.A. resident who is half-Latino, I loved that it showed "how the other half lives" and with such heart. Thank you.

Comment From Chris
How did you procure the assistance of the LA gang members? Were they open to telling in a way the story of their parents/grand parents?

Hi Anglo Admirer, the next two weeks we expand into East LA and the OC and Inland Empire. Needed to build some buzz and Hinger first... It's very important to me that we get it out there.

Comment From Thelma
Hi Chris. Congratulations on the film. I would like to know , what was the most difficult part to make this movie.

The rap on Hispanic audiences is that they go to a lot of movies but mostly Anglo ,ovies and won't support movies about their own heritage. Dint believe that.

Comment From Karen
hi Chris! did the DREAM act being shot down have any effect on how you made the film and what you included in it? I come from a Latin family myself so I wanted to know your thoughts on that issue. It is an amazing film!

Comment From Kurt
In this animation-motivated movie business of today...did you think a family drama would do so well?

Hi Chris, we we able to get guys who had enter the program at Homeboy Industries. Having their input was invaluable -- to get right the way people walk, talk... To avoid the cliches.

Comment From loucharod
Hi Chris, Hi Demian... I'm from Mexico and I would want to ask you... the movie it's gonna be release In Mexico? Saludos!

Comment From Twilidiot
I think Latino audiences will love A Better Life because it is so true. It's the story of so many people I know here in Denver. I thought it was full of familiar situations but devoid of stereotypes. That is so rare, especially in any film that addresses gangs.

Hi Karen... The dream act stiff happened during post-production. But the Arizona law affected us by giving us extras (in the protests) we wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise!

Comment From Nacho
Great news about expanding to the Inland Empire! Am looking forward to watching the movie!

Comment From Felicia Sablan
I met you at the ABL Premiere in LA, but I was so starstruck I apparently forgot how to speak. I just wanted to say that you are such an amazing filmmaker and definitely my biggest inspiration to become a filmmaker myself. And I am definitely looking forward to when ABL opens in FL.

Thanks Twidiot!

Comment From Karen O.
Hey Chris! I grew up by East LA and the Projects so I can honestly say I am grateful for your honest portrayal of the characters lives in the film. It took me back to my childhood in so many ways. How did you go about gaining the trust of the gang members and having them open up to you?

Comment From Anglo Admirer
Is the film opening with a big premier in DF?

Comment From Jane
How did you go about casting for this movie?

Thanks Karen O. The thing is, I think it was more about the honeys trusting us than us trusting them. They are used to being demonised in the media. We wanted to show a different side of their lives.

Re: opening in Mexico: we're looking at the timing. We want to do a big premiere for sure.

John Horn:
What do you find the most distressing about how movies treat/depict immigrants?

Comment From Thelma
Chris what impact do you think " A Better life" will have in our communities...You're the best!:)

Hi Jane -- we had 2 casting agents, Joseph Midsletonwhom my brother and I always work with, and Carla Hool who is a Mexican Casting director and bilingual.

Comment From jgreat
Chris, NM seems ages ago at this point, but I want to thank you for it. I do believe it's one of the lovliest films - gorgeous to watch, gorgeous to listen to, somehow endlessly heart-catching. It's brought me much, much pleasure. So thanks.

Comment From amy_hi
Very excited you guys are doing an online chat!

For me, Demián was the obvious choice -- fresh to US screens (except for che) and incredibly talented and experienced from Mexican films. Jose Julian was just a great, great find.

Comment From Justin
Demian--You are an incredibly talented actor and many of us know you for your work in Spanish-language TV and in recent years the big screen. How long have you been an actor and where did you train as an actor?

Comment From demian bichir
hi everyone.

Thanks jgreat -- you'll notice that a lot of the team came back to ABL -- Javier Aguirresarobe, the cinematographer; Alexandre Desplat, score; Peter Lambert, editor. These were people I knew would bring a lot of love to the film.

Comment From Thelma
hi demian

Hola compa'

demian bichir:
Justin. Thank you very much. I've been around for more than thirty years. I grew up in a theater family so that made all the difference.

Comment From Karen O.
That's true. The homeys always seem to be portrayed as tough characters that are heartless but often times no one see's the reasons behind their actions. Not that I condone them, but I know a few of them that are truly kind hearted people. BTW, ABL is now up there as one of my favorite films along with Stand and Deliver (Edward James Olmos is the man!)

Comment From Nathan
I really liked the story and acting. Though a times it felt the film was in conflict between authenticity and a more conventional "Hollywood" narrative...

demian bichir:
Hi, Thelma!

Comment From Jill
Chris, Your films are all so different. What is the common thread?

Karen O., yes, I think we had to tread a fine line between portraying the humanity of the gang members and showing that they had made some bad choices. But they can choose differently; everybody I met at Homeboys showed me that.

Comment From jgreat
Yes, Aguirresarobe, Desplat, Lambert - incredible atists. Waiting for ABL to get to Dallas...

Comment From Laurence Cruz
Chris -- hope you're enjoying the Times Square vibe. Demian was such a refreshing choice. I'm so glad this movie wasn't spoiled by a big name actor -- they get so over-exposed. Do you think your next project will be another mega-budget movie or do you want to stay small for a while?

Comment From Felicia
Demian -- Did you know from the very beginning that you wanted to do ABL?

jgreat -- it's in Dallas! Check moviefone!

Couple of questions about my choice of movies -- I choose the movies I HAVE to do, for one reason or another. It's very exhausting for me and my family so I have to choose carefully.

demian bichir:
Felicia. Yes, I was instantly hooked by the wonderful writing and how powerful the character I played is.

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
hi demian! you were amazing in this film. broke my heart and i was so moved by the compassion of your character. i dont really have a question just wanted to tell you how you gave this film a heart and soul. this film gave voice to a side often silenced on a very sensitive issue.

Comment From Thelma
Chris ..I want to thank you all you have done for people...

Comment From jgreat
Whoa! We'll go tonight then! That's great!

Comment From Twilidiot
Demian - I tried for a minute to imagine you as the sexy mayor of Tijuana during A Better Life and couldn't do it. I mean that as a compliment. Esteban and Carlos are so different. Such contrasting portrayals of what it means to be a real man.

demian bichir:
tinkrbe1/3. Thanks a lot! Spread the word!

Thanks Thelma -- but really it's for myself. I learned so much on this film, met so many amazing people, understood my city so much better... And met mi compa' señor Bichír, of course

Comment From Mackie
Chris, how is your grandmother doing these days

demian bichir:
Twiliidiot. Thank you very much. That was one of the things that trapped me. I'm always looking for characters that are significantly different.

John Horn:
Chris: Ok. What new and interesting things did you discover about the city while making the film?

Comment From Felicia
Chris, what was the most difficult part of filming ABL?

Hi Mackie! Her 101st birthday is coming up later this month... She's slowed down a little, and gardens a bit less, watches Novelas... Bit still sharp

Comment From Mackie
That is amazing-101

Comment From Karen O.
Chris and Demian, what were some of the more emotionally difficult scenes you had to shoot?

Felicia, the most difficult part, and I'm sure Demián would agree, was the scene in the detention centre at the end. S hard to get just right and so exhausting for the actor...

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
chris weitz: did you do many tests with demian and jose before casting? their father son chemistry was excellent. such a great young talent in jose.

Comment From Thelma
Chris what advice can you give to someone who wants to be a director?

demian bichir:
Karen O. Maybe climbing up that high palm tree! I always want to do my own stunts but once I was up there, I thought maybe it wasn't such good ida.

Comment From jgreat
Both of you - Is there anything you already wish you had done differently on ABL? Anything you wish you could change?

Comment From Tom
Chris, how has ABL changed your relationship with your son?

Thelma, I would use one of the great video cameras they have today and go shoot. You can edit on your laptop. Get some practice working with actors (your frends, or people you can advertise for)

Hi Chris. Thanks for doing this. Was wondering if you could take a moment to discuss the music in the film. While Alexandre Desplat has a body of tremendous work behind him, why not stock the move with the sounds from the neighborhoods portrayed on screen? Thanks again.

Comment From Mark
Where was ABL filmed?

demian bichir:
jgreat. There are always things that everyone want to do again but I couldn't be happier with the final result. That is all Chris's talent.

Hi ToddMartens -well, there is a lot of local music in the film. But if you mean more of a soundscape, Sfx, it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a full orchestral score, not an "ethnic" one. I wanted what the neo-realises had -- all the bells and whistles.

Comment From Twilidiot
Demian - That moment in the tree was so hard to watch. I've done some tree climbing - it's so beautiful up there. There's this moment where he's so happy - but the truck is being stolen at the same time. Life is like that!

Comment From Felicia
Chris: how long did it take to get ABL developed?

Hi Mark -- 69 different locations throughout LA. We had an amazing locations manager, Fermin Davalos.

demian bichir:
Twilidiot. I couldn't agree more!

Got it, thanks, Chris. Yes, was discussing more the score.

Comment From Thelma
I'm looking forward to see your next projects...:)Can you give us some information??You're the best:)

Tom -- my son is 4; so in a way my feelings towards him helped me understand how Carlos could be so patient. Btw the lullaby that Carlos sings is one that my father inlay sang to my son

Hi Felicia -- 20 years to make it to the screen, I was on board for the last 3!

demian bichir:
Thelma. I will be shooting the new Oliver Stone film. Very excited about it.

Comment From Graciela
I rally liked the story, and Bichir, you were great. Me iso llorar.

Comment From jgreat
Chris - Did you find the script or did it find you? Did you go looking for something as significant and significanlty different as ABL, or did it fall into your lap? Same for Demian.

Comment From parsec
what kind of feedback have you had from the glbt community?

demian bichir:
Hi Graciela. Muchas gracias!

Thanks Thelma -- I really have no plans, which was how I wanted it, because it might have kept me from doing things like this. I just sort of wait til the spirit moves me now...

Comment From Mark
It sounds like you were filming all over town. Do you have a favorite spot?

Comment From Guest
Chris, your Culture Diary for the Paris Review was amazing. One thing you said was you'd have to match Demian's bilingualism in the Spanish press. Demian, how's he doing?

Hi parsec -- well, from the LGBT community as an entity, nothing in particular; but from individuals, friends, etc., a lot of appreciation for a story about underdogs

Comment From Twilidiot
Chris - I was wondering what the meaning was behind the choice of El Zapatero. A bit of kismet because there's such a good band version of it, too, so you could have a lullaby being performed at a rodeo.

demian bichir:
jgreat. Sometimes you want a film and that film is not for you. But then magic happens and everything connects. I guess we found each other.

Comment From Thelma
Demian ..good luck for you....I want to see you more.

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
what was the song playing when Carlos is traveling at night through the different ethnic communities in Los Angeles?

Jgreat -- my friend the producer Christian McLaughlin gave me the script to read because he knew my Grandma was Mexican...

Comment From Felicia
Demian: What scenes were more difficult to film because of the emotions involved?

demian bichir:
Thanks Thelma. Stay tuned. Hidalgo, is coming to LALIFF in two weeks in Los Angeles. That's a film I did in México last year.

Comment From Charlie
Chris, how was the process like filming ABL compared to your other previous film. Did you have sleepless nights? Did you stress about the locations? Did you worry about the budget? How was it?

Tinkerbe1l3 -- I forget the exact song name right now but it's by Alejandro Fernandez and is about a letter he's sent to his sweetheart, with no reply -- he's trying to figure out why

You've talked in the past about some frustrating Hollywood experiences. Has this film has rejuvenated your feeling toward filmmaking? Are you more comfortable with smaller films?

demian bichir:
Felicia. All the scenes where I had to connect with my son. Carlos is always trying to get closer to him. It's a constant struggle. The scene at the rodeo and of course the one at the detention center for example.

Hi Charlie -- every films worry, worry, worry. I become addicted to sleeping pills and then coffee on the other end! The post-production was a bit more peaceful because there weren't so many cgi shots to worry about...

Comment From jgreat
Chris, how do scope the length of a film? Is it dictated early by the script? Do you have a default in the back of your mind ("no longer than two hours")? Does the film sort of tell you how long it needs to be, as you're filming it?

Comment From AmandaB
Demian - How has your experience working with American TV and cinema differed from the Mexican scene?

ToddMartens -- Well, this was an amazing experience for me, especially being so in sync with the studio and wit Lime Orchard (I'm usually in sync with cast and crew). The process is still going on... I still have my heart in my mouth each weekend, because I want our little film to succeed, so the pressure is still on.

demian bichir:
Hi, loucharod. I believe so. I believe in the power of movies to touch hearts and change minds.

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
chris: i was worried the film would end with the detention centre scene and i was going to be completely depressed. i knew you couldnt wrap the story up in a pretty happily ever after bow but was pleased i was given hope as an audience member with the final scenes. was this always the ending or were there alternatives?

Jgreat -- there are contractual obligations for my "delivery", something like over 90 min sand under 150... One usually figures about a minute per script page; but eventually it comes down to the feel of it

Comment From jgreat
Both of you - did you have an idea about what the score would sound like as you were filming? How does the music impact the acting and direction, when it's not available til filming's done? Is the music creation you got to participate in?

demian bichir:
Hi Amanda. The only big important difference is the money. Everything it's easier when you have time and time can only be bought with money.

Tinkerbe1l3, there was the super-depressing optional first. Nobody even dared raise the happy ending with me! Fr me the current ending is kind of poised between hope and fear

Comment From Felicia
Demian: In that one scene where you were running after Santiago after he stole the truck, how many takes did it take and how far did you run?

Comment From Graciela
Oh my God! I cannot believe Im chatting with Damian.

Comment From Thelma
Chris...Do you have someone who inspires you?

Comment From AmandaB
Chris & Demian - Do YOU see Carlos as making his way back home after the final shot?

demian bichir:
Felicia. HA! Too many! I was already exhausted from going up and down the tree.

jgreat -- we had very little time (about a month) for the score, because Alexandre was only available between one Harry Potter and the next. So I went to Paris with my family and camped out. AD and I saw each other a bunch of times.

Comment From Graciela
Damian. Do you think that with this movie there might be more and better roles for Latino actors?

Because of this, I was able to annoy/collaborate with him quite a lot. And Demián came to the recording at Abbey Road

demian bichir:
Graciela. Thanks! That's right. I'm right here. Thanks for being here as well.

AmandaB -- I just don't know. I hope he makes it!

Comment From Karen O.
Chris and Damien, where there any pats of the film that were ad libbed? not on the script but rather you went with what felt right, action or dialogue wise?

Comment From jgreat
Chris / Demian - How long is the draft speech you carry in the back of your mind, for Oscar night? "I'd like to thank the Academy, my wife..." :) One minute? 15 minutes? Is rehearsing fun?

demian bichir:
Graciela. I have always thought that every role is a passport for better roles in the future, not only for me but for many other fellow peers.

Comment From Felicia
Chris: Was the LAFF the intended venue of the World Premiere of ABL or did you have another place in mind?

Thelma -- my dad, who passed away about 8 years ago, inspires me. He was a refugee from Nazi Gmany who ended up fighting in WW2. also, my wife Mercedesand her family.

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
chris: as a an audience member i felt it was right. it was hardly perfect and it hardly suggested all would be perfect but it gave me just enough hope for 2 people i became emotionally attached to. i applaud you for how you did this and kept the integrity of the story.

Comment From sarma
Please discuss how the relationship between the brother and sister? She did not fight with her brother about her nephew's upbringing or lack of values.

Comment From AmandaB
I'm optimistic as well. :) Lovely film; kudos to both of you for your outstanding work on this.

demian bichir:
jgreat. I don't have one...yet.

Comment From Thelma
Chris you inspires me...

Karen O -- lots. That. Is to say, the actors were free to put things into their own cadences and speech rhythms. This was even more true for the Mexican Spanish, which is very dialect-like

Jgreat -- hah! From your lips to god's ears. Actually, I think Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a shoo-in.

Comment From loucharod
Demian, do you think this movie would help to change some of the image that people have about the imigrants '

Sarma -- my feelings that the sister is guilty because she left the house and thus left Luis; so there is only so much she feels she can say...

Comment From jgreat
Hopefully the Swdeish Girl with Dragon Tatoo, not the new version. Signing off now but THANKS to both of you for today, for being accessible and teaching us, and for being really terrific artists.

demian bichir:
loucharod. Absolutely. People are already understanding the real issue. It is not a political problem, it's a matter of humanism.

Felicia -- LAFF felt like the perfect place. We were to late to apply for Sundance, Toronto...

Thanks jgreat!

Comment From Karen O.
was it hard getting the dialect down right? all the small words like, compa, apa, ..etc. I know we have a tendency to use odd words in every day speech. Es como los anglos diciendo, dude cada cuarta palabra lol

Karen O -- well, we had genuine live Mexicans to help! ;) but actually -- the teenager slang and the gang slang were the things we needed help on, and got.

demian bichir:
Kare O. Being a Mexican myself and knowing pretty much everything about Spanish anywhere in México, helped a lot.

Comment From Twilidiot
I'm very jealous that you were at a recording with Alexandre Desplat with the London Symphony Orchestra. I would love to just move into Studio 1 at Abbey Road or Lyndhurst at AIR.

Comment From EmeraldKate
Hi Chris & Demian, I haven't seen the film yet as it's not out here (Ireland) till the end of July but I'm really looking forward to it and all this discussion about it is making look forward to it even more! I think (from what I've heard about it ) that Irish people will be able to relate. After all how many have emigrated to the US over the years (and are doing so again now)

Comment From Thelma
I can't believe I'm chatting with Chris and Demian...I love you guys

Twilidiot -- those are amazing places, especially when you get the London Symphony Orchestra in one of the big sound stages... Sheer magic.

It is almost time to wrap things up, but we do have time for a few more questions. Thanks everyone.

demian bichir:
EmeraldKate. Hi. Absolutely. I shot a film in Ireland and we are so much alike. This film will be easy to watch and understand anywhere in the world.

EmeraldKate -- very good point. S many people in the US are from immigrant families -- that's how it all started anyway! -- and so the theme is universal...

Comment From Felicia
Chris: Was there a scene that was cut out of the final film that you really didn't want to cut out?

Comment From Twilidiot
Chris & Demian - The Denver Film Festival is in October. This would be such a perfect city for A Better Life. If we can make it happen, could you possibly attend?

Comment From AmandaB
Demian - If you were in Carlos' situation, would you have stopped or tried to make a run for it?

Felicia -- yes, there was a short scene with a terrific actor called Jorge Paez that was eventually unnecessary to the plot... I feel bad because I hate cutting a good actor.

demian bichir:
AmandaB. A father would stop at nothing to give his son a better life. That would be me too.

Comment From Maria
Demian, felicidades! eres un orgullo para los mexicanos, gracias por llevar al mundo una pequena historia de tantas que vivimos los immigrantes. Tu lo experimentaste por medio de esta historia pero nosotros lo hemos vivido en carne propia. Buena suerte

Twilidiot -- Claro que sí! But festivals will probably see us as oldness by then...

Comment From Twilidiot
Does The London Symphony Orchestra work with other film composers? They are always with Alexandre. Ah, that TWILIGHT: NEW MOON score in particular is so beautiful.

demian bichir:
Gracias María!

Twilidiot -- yes, the LSO does work with others, but they are Alexandre's favourite. He says they are the best orchestra in the world.

Comment From tinkrbe1l3
chris: i couldnt find the song by alejandro. i'll just have to see ABL again and shazam it ;) thanks!

John Horn:
Chris and Demian: I know it's early, but have Spanish-speaking audiences reacted to the film as you hoped? What have been some of the surprises about the film’s reception?

You could search the opening phrase -- "Voló mi carta".

demian bichir:
John Horn. Everyone is loving the film. And latinos are filling up the movie theaters and get really moved. We had the chance to attend a Q&A at Arclight in Hollywood and they were all very excited about it.

Hi John -- well, the reception has been through the roof from Spanish speaking audiences. They have been hungry for films like this, it's just a challenge sometimes to get them to the table! But we get "definitely recommend" ratings of like 92% (that's Hollywood bean counter speak for awesome, for the rest of yiu guys)

Thank you all for joining us today and a special thanks to Chris Weitz and Demian Bichir!

Thank you John! Demián! And special thanks to Telma

demian bichir:
Thank you all very much for your words of support. Spread the word if you liked our film and if you didn't send your enemies. Thanks Chris!

Comment From Thelma
At the end of the chatting can you send me a kiss Chris?

Comment From Felicia
Thank you, Chris, Demian and the LA Times!

No gustaria mi esposa!

Comment From EmeraldKate
Thanks guys for taking the time to do this!

Comment From balibabi
Thank you all! Very informative & entertaining! Can't wait to see the film :)

Comment From laura
Chris, thank you for your film and for the definite contribution you have made to the Latino image. How do you see ABL impacting the younger generation of Latino-Americanos in the US? div>

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