9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Kristen Stewart Officially Visits Robert Pattinson On ‘Cosmopolis’ Set In Toronto!

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It turns out Kristen really did board a plane on July 4 to see her beau and we told you first!Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are officially in each other’s arms after one month a part. New pics have just been released of Kristen on the set of Rob’s new film Cosmopolis and it has our little Robsten hearts a flutter!
Kristen reportedly tried to go unnoticed when she arrived at the set with their dog Bear a little before 10PM on July 7. Loyal fans who’d been standing watch for a glimpse of Rob, immediately took to their Twitters to let us know she was in his movie trailer! Here’s what we know: Kristen mainly stayed in Rob’s trailer until filming wrapped at 5AM! Rob took time to sign autographs for over 60 fans in the wee hours of the morning but K-Stew was too tired to greet fans so she waited in the car — we don’t blame her!
Rob shot three scenes and fans were tweeting they could hear Bear barking from the trailer — how adorable! Even though Rob has a new haircut, which fans aren’t too thrilled with, he looked the happiest we’ve seen in a long time.
We told you on July 5 that Kristen had boarded a flight at LAX and was headed to Toronto. We gave you evidence that Kristen was escorted through the airport by an Air Canada worker and she had her passport in hand!
Many of you were worried that Rob was cozying up to Caitlin Cronenberg, the daughter of the Cosmopolis director but we nipped that in the bud. We confirmed through a source that they aren’t dating — so don’t think Kristen is swooping in to pull an Angelina Jolie!
We’re beyond thrilled that these two are getting some time together. Kristen has been hard at work learning how to horseback ride for her upcoming film Snow White and the Huntsman along with helping her mom direct her new film K-11. All the while, Rob has spent countless hours and overnights on the Cosmopolis set.
The last time they were together was at the MTV Movie Awards … let’s hope they don’t go another month before meeting up again!
The world is right again Twi-hards.
HL Via TodoTwilightSaga

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