16 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Something new

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I don't like to talk about my personal life too much online, but I feel it's inevitable to mention that I'm currently going through a break-up. (I'm not looking for sympathy, or suggestions, or advices.) It's something very hard, possibly the hardest one I've had so far. In the end, I think in life certain things happen for a reason, and I hope this just means something good will come out of this whole thing eventually. Yes, I'm heart broken, yes I'm sad and I'm crying. But as everyone already knows, time heals all wounds. I'll be ok.

With every break-up, I often see it as a new start, a new beginning. A time for you (well, me in this case) to figure out what you're doing in life, what you want, where you are going, etc. A chance to make some changes and start fresh.

A lot of my girl friends start the healing process, with some of sort of make-over. Have any of you girls done that?

I haven't died or cut my hair in 5 months. I haven't cut it because I want it to grow very long, at least down to the middle of my back when straightened. I used to color my hair every 4 to 6 weeks. It was black, dark red, had high lights, lighter brown, etc. But I figured I'd give it a break for a little while because the color wasn't taking in very well anymore.

But the past week or two, even before I knew the break-up was to happen, I'd been thinking of doing something different with my hair. This is when I saw Yuma's hair on her blog (http://ameblo.jp/yuma-takahashi/) :

I don't want to go as far as going blonde, I like being a brunette. Besides, I don't think I have the face that'd go well with being blonde anyway. But I love the concept/idea! What I was thinking, would be to keep this current colour that I have, which is a mix of dark brown and lighter brown, and get the same thing as Yuma, done to my hair, but instead of blonde, it would be black

What do you think? Do you think it would turn out weird? Or it wouldn't show as much because my hair's already dark and the black might not come out well?

Another thing I was thinking of was... extensions! Since it takes so long for my hair to grow, I could get some extensions done! It's super popular in Japan and I like the idea of having long hair instantly. The only problem with this idea is that in Canada, it's twice or three times more expensive than it is in Japan.

Anyone in the Ottawa area knows a place that does extensions and isn't too expensive?

Well, they are just ideas in the air for now~

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